Wellness Groups and Programs

GRCHC works to promote health and wellbeing in the community by offering a range of wellness programs. These programs aim to help individuals learn new information and skills that they can apply in their own lives to improve their health and wellbeing. The types of groups we offer will change based on the needs of our community.

These programs may require pre-registration, there is no cost to attend. See below a list of our recurring Wellness Programs:

 Breakfast Club
A weekly drop-in program on Fridays with coffee/tea, breakfast, and conversation.
 Stitch n' Chat
A weekly in-person women's group on Thursdays. Bring your crafting ideas, knitting needles or sewing supplies and join in the conversation.
 (Re)Discovering Your Body's Wisdom
A 6-week program facilitated by a Registered Dietitian and Counsellor. This program supports healthy relationships with food and developing sustainable lifestyle choices.
Cooking sessions are offered to provide education on nutrition and healthy food choices. Sessions can vary by recipe or topic.
 Men in Action
A weekly men's drop-in group on Wednesdays. Learn from and chat with others. 

Want to attend one of our Wellness Groups? Check out the Programs Calendar below to see what's running and to register!

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