Quality Improvement Plan 

GRCHC Narrative 2024/25

GRCHC QIP Workplan 2024/25

The GRCHC Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is an organization-owned document that identifies opportunities for improvement and supports change on systems and quality issues in the organization. This initiative was first implemented in 2011 in accordance with the Excellent Care For All Act (2010), and GRCHC submitted its first QIP in 2014.

GRCHC is required to submit an annual QIP to Health Quality Ontario (HQO) on or before April 1st of each year.

The yearly QIP is made up of three documents:

  • The progress report provides a summary of the previous year’s performance
  • The narrative provides context for the focus of the quality work being undertaken for the upcoming year
  • The work plan clearly identifies priority indicators, targets and change ideas.